Program Notes
WATERLAND is a monolgue by Canadian writer André Alexis of the mental meanderings of a child hallucinating with a fever. Electronic music by composer Veronika Krausas, video by Quintan Ana Wikswo. A collaboration in sound, image and text (DVD) from Catalysis Projects.

Audio / Visual
- 1990
- Mongoose Collective
- PS22 Toronto, Canada
- Movement by Youri Thomas
- June 5, 2010
- PIE: People Inside Electronics
- Boston Court, Pasadena California
- Narrator: John Payne
- October 22, 2010
- Musee des Moulages de l'Universite de Lyon
- Lyon, France
- November 10, 2010
- National Sun Yat-sen University
- Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- October 28, 2010
- Livewire Festival
- University of Maryland at Baltimore
- October 10, 2010
- California State University, Fullerton
- Sarai Recital Hall
- October 23, 2010
- Montana State University, Bozeman
- Reynolds Recital Hall
- December 3, 2010
- Art Without Borders
- Democracy Center of Cambridge
Available from info@veronikakrausas.com